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Hey Dreamer! I created this 18-page tech guide for dreamers like you who are just starting out in their online business and based it on questions I get from launching entrepreneurs about which web platforms and other tech systems I would recommend.  Dreamers who have already gotten overwhelmed by their tech can also benefit! 

I've poured my 12+ years in corporate and business building sites, connecting tech, troubleshooting and simplifying tech into this guide. I know you'll use it to intentionally build something wonderful. Go get 'em!

~Emily Burnett, Your Fellow Dreamer :-)

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The Dreamer's Guide to Your Business WebsiteKeeping or making your business website/tech simple to keep your business intentional.$0

Recommendations for working with someone else to build your website.

Recommendations for building your own site.

Keeping it simple from the beginning.

Finding contractors to help you with your tech.

The power of simplifying your problem so you can simplify your tech. More complicated is not always better.

A peek at my comprehensive tech stack.

Principles from business and tech lessons learned the hard (and expensive!) way. 

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